The Year End Bet

December 7, 2020
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Andrew sustains yet another injury from an outdoor activity, this time from hiking. Busi and Andrew make a bet that Andrew has to complete before year’s end and Busi is unsure if he’ll succeed.
We get into some great listener feedback about locaton independence, sleep schedules and to wrap up the podcast we answer a few more questions from the 36 questions that lead to love.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

I stood there, speechless…

November 30, 2020
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Find out how this question on love left Andrew speechless. You’ll also hear Black Friday strategies you didn’t know you needed and learn about a clothing company that doubles as a concierge service.

The best part of the podcast is always the listener feedback and questions.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

Cash or Kids?

November 23, 2020
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Andrew accomplished a goal! Busi took a trip and left Andrew the apartment to himself. And they get into some deeper and deeper questions about Love.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

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Should we measure love?

November 17, 2020
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Andrew is sore after trying a new activity with friends. He tries to get Busi to commit to doing it with him.
He also gives us an update on his poker life and a recap of the poker fued happening between Daniel Negranaeu and Doug Polk.
After the update we continue down the list of the 36 questions that lead to love and wonder if we should measure love.
And as usual, the best part of the show is the listener questons and feedback.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

You’d take money from anyone?

November 9, 2020
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Busi has a lot of questions to ask Andrew this week. She asks questions about his election wager,
whether he’d really take money from anyone as well as questions that lead to love. Andrew has some unconventional takes and wonders whether they will result in blowback.

Listen to find out on this episode of Tells.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

What is the point of life?

November 2, 2020
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Asks an agitated Andrew on this week’s episode of the podcast.
He gives us a recap of his week and shares his unhealthy diet which Busi believes could be the reason for his angst and feeling of impending doom. We review some listener feedback on last week’s topic of having children.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Shop Favorable Merch

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

Why we don’t have kids

October 27, 2020
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Andrew discusses his love for PLO despite the blood that is shed on its streets. Busi tells us about her first ever visit to a therapist. The two of them discuss having kids, and Busi shares her reservations about it. And we got some voicemails!

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

Forced to Do Difficult Things

October 13, 2020
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In this episode of the podcast, Andrew and Busi sit down to chat about Andrew’s experience of being forced to do a difficult thing. they share their find of the best Espresso martini in Las Vegas.

Some of the listener’s of the podcast did a difficult thing too and called in and left us a voicemail. Hear what they have to say.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Shop Favorable Merch

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

Walking Through a Cloud of Covid

October 5, 2020
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Andrew and Busi discuss Andrew’s return to the poker felts in Las Vegas. They visit a new entertainment and dining concept called Area15. They discuss whether retirement is still a thing in today’s society. And a “town fridge” is somewhere in Las Vegas–a very helpful thing for people to contribute to.

Text us or leave us a voice message: 702 690 9299

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Shop Favorable Merch

Busi’s Instagram: @busisiweb

Andrew’s Instagram: @yayandrew

Music By DJ Quads

Andrew and Busi discuss the highs and lows of their first date. They observe that anniversary getting margaritas at Tacos and Beer, and a Polaroid picture snapped at Velveteen Rabbit (it’s open again!). They meet up with friends Jody and Trevor Savage, and check out a brand new tequila and mezcal spot in DTLV called Lucky Day. Busi discusses whether she’d recommend moving to America to someone from South Africa today.

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Music by DJ Quads